
We offer the following training and courses relating to electronics, signage installation, Arduino, and robotics.

Versatronics Courses

  • LED Signage Installer's Course
  • Basic Electricity
  • Basic Electronics
  • Intermediate Electronics
  • Advanced Electronics
  • Basic Arduino
  • Intermediate Arduino
  • Advanced Arduino and Robotics

Note we also offer one-on-one Arduino help by-the-hour.

Course Contents

LED Signage Installer's Course

Basic Electricity
Water analogies
Ohm's Law
How diodes & LEDs work
Types of LED strips
Power Supplies
Wiring standards & wire sizes
Duration: 4H, cost R600

Basic Electricity

Pre-requisites: able to do basic arithmetic
Volts, amps,resistance, Ohm's law and LED's
Dc, ac and power
Using a multimeter
Wires and connections
Duration: 4H, cost R600

Basic Electronics

Pre-requisites: understanding of basic electricity, some tools
Volts, amps,resistance, Ohm's law and LED's
Diodes, transistors, using a multimeter
Basic radio
Build a crystal set
Duration: 3x4H sessions, cost R1500

Intermediate Electronics

Pre-requisites: have done/understand Basic Electronics, own tools and multimeter
Using an oscilloscope
Intro to digital electronics
Build a 12V regulator
Duration: 3x4H sessions, cost R1500

Advanced Electronics

Pre-requisites: have done/understand Intermediate Electronics, own tools and multimeter
Build a AM radio
Build a small amplifier
How to make single-sided PCBs in your kitchen
Duration: 4x4H sessions, cost R2000

Basic Arduino

Pre-requisites: laptop, preferably have pre-installed Arduino IDE
Intro to Arduino and development environment
Intro to software process
Arduino libraries
Build a flashing LED metronome with speed adjustment, using buttons, light sensor
Duration: 1x4H sessions, cost R800

Intermediate Arduino

Pre-requisites: have done/understand Basic Arduino
LCD display
Servo motors, DC motors
SPI and pixel LED strips
Build a digital thermometer with LCD display
Build a wireless version of the above digital thermometer with LCD display with 2 Arduinos
Duration: 2x4H sessions, cost R1500

Advanced Arduino and Robotics

Pre-requisites: have done/understand Intermediate Arduino, own tools
Using a shield to send/receive SMS's
Ultrasonic distance measurement
Build a self thinking, collision avoiding robot car
Duration: 3x4H sessions, cost R2000

Sign up for Courses / Training

If you are interested in any of our courses or training, or would like any further information, please contact us.